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Privacy Policy
This is the Privacy statement of Nacatin . In this statement we explain how Nacatin deals with personal data. We obtain this information through our Webshop (hereafter: the “Web Shop”) . In addition we acquire personal data when customers contact us offline, for example to request information.
In this Privacy Statement of Nacatin , the following terms are used:
Web Shop: the Web Shop and every other by Nacatin appointed Web Shop, URL or application.
Interaction: the use of functions in the Web shop like the Wish List, Checkout, Newsletter Sign Up, My Account, Auctions and Chat.
Web Shop Visitor: a customer visiting the Web Shop for the first time that does not interact with the Web Shop.
Web Shop Customer: a customer who interacts with the Web Shop.
Privacy Statement: Nacatin’s Privacy Statement.
Nacatin respects the privacy of its customers, business relations and users of its Web Shop. We make sure that any personal data Nacatin has obtained, is protected and treated confidentially.
To make your visit to the Nacatin Web Shop as a visitor more appealing, Nacatin collects information about your personal data and navigation behavior on our Web Shop, and whether you found our Web Shop through one of our ad partners. Among this data is for example:
Viewed products
How you entered our Web Shop
Where you leave our Web Shop
With what kind of device you visit our Web Shop
Among other things, the above information is used to better understand Web Shop Visitors, to load the correct Web Shop and to show relevant ads.
For Web Shop Customers, we collect the same information as for Web Shop Visitors, supplemented with information the customer shares with us, for example:
Preferences in the Wish List
Ordered products
Contact information
To be able to place orders in the Web Shop, to participate in auctions and to leave reviews, you need an account. To create an account you need to fill in the following (personal) information:
First and last name
E-mail address
The data mentioned above is used for the following purposes:
To create and manage your account
To counteract fraud, abuse and/or improper use of your account
To show the products you have ordered in your account
To optimise claims and to keep track of contact history concerning Web Shop orders and products offered by third parties
The data is saved at least as long as you have an account with Nacatin.
Through your account, you can place orders for products on offer in the Web Shop. As a part of the ordering process, you will need to provide us with additional information besides the information needed to create an account. This pertains to the delivery address:
E-mail address
Delivery address
Phone number
The data mentioned above and your account information are used, among other things, for the following purposes:
To keep you informed about the status of your orders
To complete the order/agreement, amongst other things the delivery and so-called after-sales obligations.
To improve our service
To handle questions and complaints
To personalise marketing activities
To place orders on behalf of a company CHECKOUT – BILLING ADDRESS
After you have filled in the information pertaining to the delivery address, we ask the following data for your billing address:
Billing address
Phone number
Payment method
This data is used, amongst other things, for the following purposes:
To be shown on the invoice
To contact you concerning the finalisation of the order, billing or delivery
To be able to receive payment and to optimise the checkout process
To prevent fraud and hacking
The selected method of payment and your IP-address are forwarded to our payment provider Adyen, after which they handle the payment CHECKOUT – GENERAL PAYMENT METHOD ADYEN
Nacatin works together with Adyen to make order payments possible through the Web Shop. Adyen offers the following payment methods: Paypal, Visa Card, Mastercard and American Express.
To make payments via Adyen possible, amongst other things, the following data is gathered:
Email address
Billing address
Delivery address
Phone number
Order value
Order number
Method of payment
This data is used, among other things, for the following purposes:
To send a payment notification via email
To assess the risk of fraud
To forward the order number via email in case of payment or cancellation of the order
To forward the order value and payment method so that the reception of the payment through the chosen payment method can be verified. Furthermore, this way better service can be provided in case of questions about payment, cancellation and refunds. This also helps to reduce errors during the payment process, which makes the experience of ordering more pleasant. CHECKOUT – KLARNA PAYMENT METHOD (PAY AFTERWARDS)
By selecting “Klarna Invoice” as payment method, you agree that we collect the following (personal) data and make it available to Klarna AB, Sveavägen 46, 11134 Stockholm, Sweden (hereafter: “Klarna“).
Contact information
Date of birth
E-mail address
Phone number
Information pertaining to the order (such as the delivery address, billing address, number of products, the product number, the customer group, the payment method, the invoice amount and the VAT expressed in percentages)
The date mentioned above and your account information are, among other things, used by Klarna for the following purposes:
The settlement of the purchase on credit
The verification of identity and solvency by a credit agency
Your personal information is treated by Klarna in accordance to the applicable privacy policy and the terms of the Klarna Privacy Statement which can be found on the Klarna website (
Through your account you can participate in auctions on the Web Shop. To participate in auctions you will need to, in addition to the information necessary to create an account, also create a so-called “bidder nickname”. Other customers can also see your bidder nickname.
This bidder nickname will be used in combination with your account- and order information for the following purposes:
Managing and organising the auctions
Combatting and checking for fraud, abuse and/or unintended use.
You can create your own Wish List in our Web Shop. If you add products to your Wish List while logged out they will remain on the list for 30 days.
Among other things, the following information is gathered regardless of whether you are logged in or out:
Surfing behavior
If you add products to your Wish List while logged in you can always find them under Wish List in My Account.
This data is gathered for marketing purposes so that Nacatin can remember your Wish List when you return to the Web Shop.
You can review products from the Web Shop via My Account. You can only review a product if you have purchased it. When you leave a review the following data is gathered so that the order and the correct review can be linked to the correct email address.
E-mail address
Order number
This information is used to add the product reviews to the Web Shop and to contact the customer in case of possible complaints. WEBSHOP REVIEWS
Through the Webshop you can review the Web Shop and (the service of) Nacatin. Here too, you must first have placed an order to be able to leave a review. To assess the service of NacatinL the following data is collected:
The data is collected to be able to contact you and handle possible complaints.
Via the Web Shop you can leave a review by clicking the “Write a review” or similar link. After this you are forwarded to a third party Web Shop, one of Nacatin’s contract partners, that specialized in customer reviews. Through this website, you can place a review after you have agreed to the terms and conditions of the third party. This third party is responsible for the processing of your personal data. In this case, Nacatin refers you to the (privacy) statement used by the relevant party.
After you have placed an order with Nacatin or after you have had contact with Nacatin you can be approached to participate in a customer satisfaction survey. This survey is executed by an external party. If you participate in such a customer satisfaction survey, the following (personal) data will be processed:
Contact information
E-mail address and/or phone number
Experiences with (departments of) Nacatin and/or affiliated businesses
Information about a placed or delivered order
The above mentioned information will, among other things, be used for the following purposes:
Research into customer service satisfaction concerning (departments of) Nacatin and/or affiliated businesses
Improvement of service and processes
Handling of questions and/or complaints
Checking for abuse (e.g. multiple reviews/experiences by one and the same person)
If you have questions or complaints about a product you purchased from us via the Web Shop or about the service of Nacatin or Other Seller(s) you can call us, e-mail us or chat with us. You can find the contact information in the Web Shop. It is also possible to use our online complaints form on the Web Shop. If you use the online form, we will ask for (at least) the following (personal) information:
First and last name
E-mail address
Phone number
Order number (optional/if applicable)
Description of the nature of your complaint
When you use the chat feature, only your first and last name, e-mail address and the subject of the chat are requested.
The above mentioned data is used for handling your complaint. If your complaint is about a product or service from an Other Seller this information will be shared with the relevant Other Seller, but only to the extent necessary for the handling of the complaint. RECORDING PHONE CONVERSATIONS
Phone conversations with our customer service can be recorded for training-, evaluation- or quality purposes. You will be informed of this the moment you contact our customer service by phone. The (personal) data that is recorded will only be used for the aforementioned purposes.
The recorded phone conversations are stored and secured in such a way that they are not accessible to unauthorized persons and they are never kept longer than needed for the specific purpose.
You can apply for different newsletters, both general and personal. The personal newsletters are sent based on, for example, your personal details and order history, so we can send you more relevant newsletters. If you wish to receive the free digital newsletters sent by Nacatin and partners, we ask, among others, for the following (personal) information.
First and last name
E-mail address
You can unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time by logging into your account and unsubscribing. Besides that you can always use the unsubscribe-link in the newsletters.
We work together with third parties such as Google and Facebook. This means that the data can be stored on servers outside of Europe. Different legislation concerning personal data apply there. These third parties adhere to the Privacy Shield Principles and are affiliated with the Privacy Shield Program of the American ministry of trade. Businesses affiliated with this principle and program are considered businesses that adhere to the European security standard for personal data.
Nacatin can provide your personal data to third parties for the following reasons:
You have given your express consent for this
The agreement you have with us needs to be executed.
So that products you have ordered from (an) Other Seller(s) can be delivered.
Because Nacatin has a collaboration with another party in the context of improving our products and services.
An obligation by law
For preventing or combatting fraud
If necessary for the business management of NacatinL
Nacatin does not store your information longer than necessary for the purposes your information is used for, unless the data has to be stored longer due to legal requirements (such as a retention obligation). How long certain data is stored depends on the nature of the data and the purposes for which it is processed. The storage period can therefore differ per purpose.
Nacatin takes measures to sufficiently protect your personal data. To achieve this, we use means that fit our activities, the nature and size of our company, and the sort of data we process. We do this to prevent unauthorized access to, adjustment, disclosure or loss of personal data.
We expect that you also contribute to the safekeeping of your personal data by keeping your login details (e-mail address and password) secret. Never share your login details with anyone and treat them with care.
You can always access your own data, and adjust it if needed, by logging into your account.
If you don’t have an account, you can request any personal data about you that Nacatin has. If the data is incorrect, you can ask Nacatin to adjust it. Such a request concerning personal data can be sent via e-mail or through our complaints form to our customer service.
You can object to the use of your personal data free of charge. Your objection to the use of your personal data can be directed to our customer service via email or in writing. Within four weeks you will receive an answer from Nacatin.
If you object to the use of your data for direct marketing purposes, Nacatin will stop using your data for these purposes. You will no longer receive commercial emails – such as newsletters – from Nacatin.
On third party Web shops (such as online marketplaces), retargeting can also happen. NacatinL Cookies are then used to show relevant ads to previous visitors of these other Web Shops.
The contents of this Privacy and Cookie Statement can be amended. The most current version can always be found on the Nacatin Web Shop. Nacatin advises that you regularly check this Privacy Statement, at least before you provide Nacatin with personal data.
If you are curious about what Nacatin can mean for you, would like to get more information about participating in the affiliate program or the conditions under which you can become an official Nacatin reseller, you can contact Nacatin. This can be done by phone or via email. The address and phone number can be found on the Web Shop.
The personal data you provide to Nacatin for this purpose will only be used for providing you with the requested information.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, do not hesitate to contact us via
Powered by Nacatin, Last updated version 14th.March. 2022
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